Upcoming Projects for 2025

The following projects have been selected for survey and marine operations. Due to the sensitive nature of these discoveries, code names are in place for the time being. As the recovery closes in, the actual name of the target will be released. Members will be provided ongoing information and updates as we work these targets and zero in on diving to the sites.

“Enduring V”

Flight 19 – Five torpedo bombers that disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle on December 5, 1945.


USS Alligator, the first US Navy submarine, sunk during the Civil War.

“Channing 17”

17 kilos of uncut diamonds lost to the sea.


17th Century Spanish Galleon in 2000’ of water.

“Nuit Blanche”

A “corsair” or privateer/pirate ship with a known cargo of more than 100K gold coins.

“Billy The Kid”

The rest of the story on one of the ships lost in the 1715 Treasure Fleet.

Just the beginning. More announcements to come!

Silver Bullet Projects

A Silver Bullet Project is designed to execute the recovery of shipwreck sites utilizing the specific attributes of our ship, the R/V Judge Perez.  While there are many types of high-value shipwrecks to pursue, the management of the Treasure Experience² has chosen to narrow the focus to a specific project profile with several common denominators:


  • The positive magnetometer and imaging sites rest in 50 feet of water, or less;

  • The distance from the ocean floor to bedrock is less than 5 feet;

  • There are no known (or expected) litigation issues;

  • There are no environmental restrictions or permits required;

  • The return to risk ratio is expected to be in the double digits;

  • Little to no conservation requirements needed before monetization;

  • An Admiralty claim may be granted for the recovery, if necessary.

Silver Bullets happen as they are discovered, moving fast and with little to no warning.

Members will have access to video content and details after the site has been visited.

These projects result in direct financial distribution to TRZX Security Token holders shortly after recovery.