What’s the Treasure Experience² all about?
As I find myself writing this article, I can’t help but shake my head in amazement that I get to be involved in this adventure. I met brothers Marc and Krist Geriene a couple years ago and was immediately intrigued by their profession…shipwreck exploration and solving mysteries of the deep. In my opinion, there is nothing cooler than tracking down and exploring lost history and recovering precious cargo. I was lucky enough to become involved with the brothers in their pursuit of lost shipwrecks and haven’t looked at life the same since.
See, there’s something about the modern world that can dampen the human spirit. While we’re more connected and technologically advanced than ever before, there is a sense of monotony that many people fall into. The same thing day in and day out can run a person down. I’ll have to admit, it’s certainly grabbed me from time to time.
This is where the Treasure Experience² comes in. The Treasure Experience² was born out of the idea of sharing the excitement of being part of a historical find for anyone that’s seeking adventure in their life. There’s no need to be a certified diver or an archaeologist by trade, just to have a desire for adventure and a yearning to be part of history. This is why we raise the ² on Treasure Experience², because of our interactive elements and providing you An Elevated Experience™.
I’m like most of you reading this, a non-diver who has never made a historical discovery in his life. My professional career has focused on technology which plops me down in-front of a glowing screen for most of my day.
Exciting…I say not.
While I thoroughly enjoy my work, there’s always a piece of me that’s looking to ramp up the adrenaline. So when I had the opportunity to partner with Marc and Krist, I couldn’t say “Yes!” fast or loud enough. While I’m not the one in the water, just knowing I’m part of the expeditions and being privy to the work being done are some of the most exciting parts of my day. While I’m not at liberty to discuss some of the expeditions that are before us, I can say that some of these discoveries are going to change history. The team has tracked down and surveyed some unbelievable things that I can’t believe I get to be associated with.
This is really what the Treasure Experience² is about, sparking that fire within all of us to go out and seize our own treasure. I can personally explain to you (seriously, find me in the Treasure Experience² Community Forum), how exciting it is to be included in the small group of people that answer historical mysteries and recover artifacts from hundreds of years ago. When being part of something as exciting as this, it can’t help but permeate through the rest of your life. Think about how your day would change if you found your phone which has been missing for a couple days. Now raise that to the millionth degree and you have what if feels to be the first to find a lost 17th century shipwreck. To experience that first hand is something to behold.
My hope for the Treasure Experience² is that it allows those like me to ignite a fire within themselves. The Treasure Experience² community will be made up of those with a thirst of adventure, as well as looking for a community of people supporting the pursuit of any treasure. I want everyone to experience these historical finds first hand and to bring that passion and execution to their own treasures. Come for the treasure and stay for the people and history.
As I close out this first article, I want to touch base on what you can expect from the Treasure Experience². The Treasure Experience² team will bring you along as we research, survey and dive to undiscovered historical sites across the globe. You will be provided access to the Member Portal where all project information will be provided through documentation, updates, conversations and video. Most excitingly, when we’re ready to dive to the site, we will live stream on location so you can be part of history. Outside of project specific areas, Members will be able to have open discussions with the community around history, stories, legends, advice, personal achievement, etc.
It’s through this interaction and involvement that we bring you An Elevated Experience™. What’s better than witnessing history…
Welcome to the Treasure Experience², I look forward to joining all of you on this adventure.
Written By: Michael Bomhoff
Published February 3, 2023 11:00am EST